Each semester, Writing 105: Uncertainty taught by Professor Kate Phillips begins by collaborating with Studio X. Students are invited to explore uncertainty by testing ideas about how extended reality technologies impact our communication, senses, and understanding of our world around us. This project begins with an an excellent, interactive “Intro to XR” workshop presented by Studio X staff. The workshop includes a brief lecture on the history and applications of these technologies followed by the opportunity for students try out VR experiences, many for the first time. Some examples of VR experiences include an introductory experience, first steps, a VR version of the trolley problem, and virtual roller coasters. For the next several weeks, students are asked to put these experiences into conversation with journalism and work from philosophers, psychologists, and other researchers in order to develop arguments that respond to questions such as “What, if anything, can we learn about what is right and wrong through using VR?” and “Will the proliferation of virtual reality technologies create more or less access (to experiences, opportunities, etc.) and equity?” Students are invited to modify the questions, or create their own, with the goal of developing unique arguments that contribute to our understanding of these technologies and emerging debates about them while also experimenting with style and non-academic citation techniques. Please enjoy reading their thoughtful creations!