The Louise Slaughter collection isn't just boxes and boxes of Congressional material. Sometimes archivist Weckea Lilly finds things from Slaughter's personal life. We love when this happens. It's so interesting to see images of Louise from before she was known as a “force of nature” in Washington.
The image for this post is from the wedding of the congresswoman and her husband, Robert “Bob” Slaughter, in 1957. Look at this couple! They look like they could have been cover models for a bridal magazine from that time. This could also be the model for all wedding cake-cutting moments, past and future.
At the time of Bob's death in 2014, the couple had been married for 57 years. They had three daughters together.
You can help honor the congresswoman's legacy, preserve history, and advance learning and scholarship by supporting the work being done to process and prepare this collection. Learn more, and make a gift today.