Meet the METS.
Meet the METS.
Step right up and greet the Middle English Texts Series (METS).
If you’re unfamiliar with METS, it’s past time you became acquainted. A partnership between the Teaching Association for Medieval Studies, scholars in the field, the University of Rochester’s Department of English, and the River Campus Libraries—particularly the Rossell Hope Robbins Library—METS is a pioneering digital project to make texts from the Middle Ages more readily available.
Recently, the National Endowment for the Humanities extended a long history of supporting METS’ mission of providing access to medieval literature with a new three-year grant.
This is just the tip of the medieval-berg. Learn more about how METS got started, how it works, and what it has achieved over the last 30 years.
READ: “Rochester project democratizes access to medieval English literature” ∎
For more information about METS and how you can support its mission, contact Anna Siebach-Larsen at annasiebachlarsen@rochester.edu. Enjoy reading about the University of Rochester Libraries? Subscribe to Tower Talk.