Vini Romualdo
Digital Scholarship
Email: vromualdo@rochester.edu
Phone: 585-276-6813
About me
Vinicius (Vini) is the Digital Scholarship Designer at University of Rochester’s River Campus Libraries. He is responsible for supporting faculty, staff and students in the creation of digital user interfaces (UIs) from concept ideation to prototyping and testing. A strong advocate for the user-centered design approach, Vini employs User Experience (UX) methods and best practices in regards to usability, accessibility and visual design. Coming from a graphic design and interaction design background, he also has working knowledge of front-end technologies (e.g. HTML, CSS, JS, CMS) which allows him to collaborate in development. Ultimately, Vini is also interested in further exploring extended reality (XR) and how it interplays with UX and UI.