Finding, writing, and managing grants & funding


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Data Management Plans

A data management plan (DMP) is a document that outlines how you will work with data during and after your research project. It describes the existing data you will use in your study, the new data you will produce and collect, where you will store data, and if and how you will share data with others.

A lot of funders require a DMP as part of the grant application process. Even if you are not applying for funding (at least for now!), a good DMP clarifies data procedures for you and your group and ensures efficient research.

To learn more about DMP support and the DMPTool go to

Find Current funding opportunities

The Office of Research and Project Administration provide support to obtain sponsored research finds and manage sponsored program activity. Visit to access and use the SPIN tool to search or specific funding opportunities.

The Dimensions database is a great resource to search for researchers, funders, and grants previously awarded. It also allows searching for patents, policy documents, and institutional information and recently added datasets to its collection.

Get help with grant applications

Need help outlining a data management plan or the details of a digital project for a grant application? The River Campus Libraries is here to help! Reach out to Daniel Castillo, director of Research Initiatives, for questions about data management and Emily Sherwood, director of Digital Scholarship, to talk about funding for digital projects. For general questions, talk to your subject librarian to learn more.

Explore the grants landscape

The Dimensions database is a great way to explore the larger grant landscape. The database includes data about 5.6 million grants from major funders, including the NIH, NSF, and NEH. You can use the database to search by year, research categories, and more. If you need help searching this database, contact your subject librarian.