My Summer At Studio X

This summer, I worked full time at Studio X. Even though the campus felt pretty empty with almost all the other undergrads home for summer, there was a lot going on in Studio X! For example, for two weeks in July, we held a pre-college program called “XR: Content Creation and World Building.” In this program, high schoolers came all across the country to learn about the world of extended reality or XR.


Dream University Challenge 2021

This past summer, due to COVID-19 distancing restrictions, a UR student inquired about virtual meeting spaces to foster community in lieu of our physical library spaces. We all miss the pre-pandemic opportunities to meet up and chat. The serendipitous catch-up on campus after class or in between meetings isn't really possible these days and poses a considerable problem for community building.


New grant will use virtual reality to understand trauma and the brain

Understanding how experience and exposure to trauma changes the brain could improve diagnosis and targeted care for conditions like anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Benjamin Suarez-Jimenez, Ph.D., assistant professor of Neuroscience, has been studying this topic for the past several years and was awarded a new $3.5 million grant to use virtual reality and MRI to look into the circuitry of threat, reward, and cognitive mapping in 


The Metaverse

23 years ago, The Matrix introduced the idea of humanity living inside of a computer simulation. While moviegoers at the time wrote it off as a fictional piece of work, in the present day, we are much closer to that all-encompassing, technological world with the metaverse. Despite the promise of virtual worlds, there are still legal challenges and questions that echo those we face in the real world.


Voices of XR: Antonia Forster

Antonia Forster is a Senior XR Technical Specialist at Unity, a TEDx speaker, and an award-winning DE&I consultant. As a neurodivergent, LGBTQ+, self-taught female developer, Antonia has a unique perspective and is passionate about using her voice and technical skills to make space for under-represented or marginalized individuals. Antonia has been shortlisted for Nature's John Maddox Prize, the Women in IT "Advocate of the Year" award, and won the YTKO Breaking Barriers award for her impactful advocacy for women in tech.

The Humanities & XR

Karp Library Fellow, Ayiana Crabtree ’22 joined the Studio X team in February 2021 as our inaugural XR Research Fellow. For her first research project, we asked Ayiana to focus on XR and the humanities. Immersive technologies share a natural connection with STEM fields, and the planned Studio X space will also be located on the first floor of Carlson Science & Engineering Library. However, Studio X supports all faculty and students on campus and fosters an interdisciplinary community of practice.


Exploring the Frontiers of Healthcare: Studio X’s XR Technology in Kenya


As a proud alumnus of the African Leadership Academy, an esteemed institution in Johannesburg dedicated to cultivating the next generation of African leaders, my recent trip to Nairobi, Kenya, for the Networks Conference held a special significance. My name is Tamuda, and I am currently a computer science student at the University of Rochester.


New grant will use virtual reality to understand trauma and the brain

Understanding how experience and exposure to trauma changes the brain could improve diagnosis and targeted care for conditions like anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Benjamin Suarez-Jimenez, Ph.D., assistant professor of Neuroscience, has been studying this topic for the past several years and was awarded a new $3.5 million grant to use virtual reality and MRI to look into the circuitry of threat, reward, and cognitive mapping in 


Seed funding reflects how data science, AR/VR transform research at Rochester

Ten projects supported with seed funding from the Goergen Institute for Data Science this year demonstrate how machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), and augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) are transforming the way University of Rochester researchers—across all disciplines—address challenging problems.

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